Interne competitie studenten Odin vs. jeugd Honte
As we are now allowed to row again, a spar racing day will take place on the 10th of April. What is a spar race you may ask, this is a friendly race between two rowing associations or between members of Odin.
It is the perfect way to have some motivation for training and having fun on the water. In addition to this the spar will include the youth rowers from Honte. Most of them think they can out row us students but I know we can show them otherwise!
It is also the perfect moment to work towards with your team or maybe sign up with multiple boats. It is a free sign up with no entry requirements or defined boat types. The fun races will be short one boat against another on a short sprint and a 2k. A perfect moment for everyone the earn there tie. And make us proud by beating the child that think they are faster the us.
Signing up deadline is 5 days before the spar on the 10th of April. Lets get back on the water enjoy a little friendly competition!
Email your team name and it’s members to David at – commissariswedstrijden@msraodin.nl